Secure Exchanges with Intervac

Can I trust my home to a stranger?

The question is understandable. After all, you don't know anyone in our community yet, and you naturally think of them as strangers. Before you decide with whom you wish to swap homes you will be exchanging email and maybe even telephone calls to get to know more about one another. We promise you, by the time your exchange takes place you are not trading homes with strangers; you will be staying at the home of friends and they will be guests in your home.

Most Intervac members are mature (average age 40+), established family-oriented professionals, executives, business-owners or retired people. They are financially successful and respect property. Before committing to an exchange, you should always get to know your counterpart so that you can reach an agreement. This establishes mutual trust. References can be obtained from previous exchangers.

More about Member References

Our member reference system awards badges (ready-to-go, bronze, silver, gold and platinum) based on the number of confirmed exchanges a family has made. After they return home from their holiday they may choose to act as a reference for their exchange partner. These references are listed on each member's listing page and if you have questions about a member, you should feel free to contact their references to ask how the exchange worked out and if they were satisfied. Yes, there is trust involved in swapping homes, but with Intervac, you can also verify.