Words From Our Members

Just Back from the Lovely UK

We have arranged three exchanges in 2010 which has surprised and delighted us! July in San Francisco, August in Hawaii and a couple of months wintertime in New Zealand. How lucky are we!

- Dorothy Dey, Great Britain

Just Returned from our First Intervac Exchange

We have just returned from our first Intervac exchange. We exchanged homes with a couple from Mississauga (Canada)and what a wonderful experience it has been: charming people, generous and welcoming, beautiful home, great car. When we had to extend our stay because of the volcanic ash cloud, they never objected, on the contrary. For our first Intervac experience, we have been more that lucky, we have been positively blessed!!!

- Jacques and Greet, Belgium

I have had great joy with Intervac

I have had great joy with Intervac. But, in my last tourist trip in Praha (Chec Republic, where I'd been in an hotel, I couldn't left by plane because volcon ash, and I got a gret help of our Intervac friends CZ837023 Pavel Cingl and his beautiful wife Simona (and Oliver). Great people, large heart, kind and helpfull, since understand our situation (my niece, 11 years old, and myself)... Thanks Intervac! Thanks nice Intervac members!!

- Maria Georgina Alves, Portugal

Six Swaps in One Year

We have traded six times--and we really like Intervac! The people we have exchanged our homes with have been wonderful & we have kept in touch with each family over te years. Without Intervac we could not travel like to we do every summer for 4 weeks. Long live Intervac!

- Jennifer M. Eisenlau, United States

Happy and Telling Friends about Intervac

We've had four exchanges through Intervac so far and have discussed it with far too many people, increasing the San Francisco pool too much, we fear. Nevertheless, here we are again.

- Carol Livingston

More Activity in Europe than Competitors

Wow! Members for one week. One offer from Finland, two from Sweden, one from Switzerland and two from France. Looks like we're going to central Paris. The other company we joined three weeks ago, no offers! Thank You Intervac!!! Many thanks for our Honeymoon, a dream come true!

- Gordon & Kathy Poulson, United States

Wonderful Italian Home Exchange

The family in Bologna we did a non-simultaneous exchange with were wonderful. We stayed there for one week and they will stay here this summer.

- Angie Keller

A Wonderful Experience

We love to travel to foreign and exotic places as well as the good ole USA. Exchanging homes through Intervac USA has been a wonderful experience--being in Key West makes it fairly easy to find suitable exchanges. In August 2003, we exchanged homes in Paris and we did a second trade with folks from New York City for the holidays. We returned from California in a non-simultaneous exchange in May of 2004 and a simultaneuous exchange in New Orleans for Thanksgiving.

- Guillermo and Kent

61 Home Swap Offers in One Year

We once got 61 (yes, sixty-one!) home exchange offers in one season. Fully expect the upcoming season to be another year, which will provide exciting opportunities for fascinating exchanges and the making of new friends in some corner of the world.

- George Rausch

Four House Exchanges in France

You provide a wonderful service, and our Intervac exchanges - the first in Amsterdam, the last four in France have been both exciting and deepening. We are excited about making another exchange this summer.

- Denis Clifford & Naomi Puro, United States

Spain, France, Oregon and Counting

Your deal is so great. We have been to Spain, France and Oregon. All have been with people who are hip to the zip, and respectful and aware of what it takes to trade. I thank you for it. You have made it possible for us to have really great experiences.

- Steve Plesa

Second Generation Home Exchanger

This is our first exchange. I'm familiar with the whole concept, however, because as a child my family did three exchanges from Boston to London, Laguna Beach and Newfoundland. Great memories!

- Jennifer Shepherd

Three for Three

Thanks again for your help in enabling our third marvelous house trade! We were in Nice for three weeks this last summer thanks to you.

- Karyn Hollis

Lifelong Friendships around the World

Your company has brought our family many wonderful vacation opportunities to establish life long friendships. We sing your praises to all our friends. Thank you! Thank you!

- Sally Johnson

Good Friends in Toulouse

Our home exchange in Toulouse couldn't have been better; we now have good friends in Toulouse.

- Irene Rabb

Better than Homelink for Europe

There are more exchanges with Europeans through Intervac than there is with Homelink.

- Joe Larkin

Saved $10,000+ in Hotel and Car Rental Expenses

I am in, can you believe, La Ciotat, France one block from the beach in an imaculate little villa that has everything. The owners are at my home in San Diego it is amazing how great Intervac is. Roberte and Jacques contacted me and the rest is history. Thank you so very much for Intervac. We are saving over ten thousand dollars in hotel bills and car rentals. Fantastique!

- Bill Zimmerman