Розмірковуючи про обмун домівками

You are probably wondering what you are going to need to think about before you make your first vacation swap. At the beginning, it's a bunch of things, but once you've got them in place it'll be a lot easier the next time around. Below we've gathered together a list of suggestions to help you feel secure in your decision.

Why choose Intervac?

1. Human-centric

Our human-centric approach emphasizes the cultural exchanges, human relationships and that the needs and desires of our members are at the forefront of the Intervac experience.

2. Planet-friendly

Our planet-friendly approach emphasizes the ecological impact of travelling and Intervac enables a world where people borrow instead of buying or renting, which means using existing assets instead of creating new ones.

3. Cost-effective

Our cost-effective approach makes intervac an attractive option for people seeking to maximize their travel experiences while minimizing expenses since our members does not have any accommodation expenses when on vacation.
Q&A to help you feel secure

First, it's important to know that it takes some initiative to make an exchange happen. We try to make it as simple as possible though. Our members contact each other directly using our integrated messaging system to start a dialog that could lead to an exchange. It is not unusual to make and receive several offers before you find just the right partner. Our online system supports many different types of alternative holiday forms.

Багато користувачів з великими будинками будуть раді обміну на адекватну квартиру / кондомініум в центрі Парижу, Лондону, Риму або Сан-Франциско. Хтось шукає тихий відпочинок. Обмін "рівноцінний", коли обидві сторони задоволені своїми домовленостями.

You'll be surprised! Take some time writing extra text for your listing and tell potential exchange partners all about your neighbourhood, why you love living there, what can they see and do in the region. Don't forget, your partner will be on holiday and has time to explore. Everyone lives near something interesting, because "interesting" is often nothing more than the unfamiliar.

У багатьох випадках обмін автомобілями є важливою частиною угоди, але не завжди. Це гарна ідея, щоб вирішити чи вам зручно їздити в Нью-Йорку чи Лондоні на автомобілі.

Зверніться до свого постачальника страхових послуг і дайте їм знати, що у вас будуть гості по обміну. Більшість компаній скажуть вам, що незайнятий будинок є більшим ризиком для крадіжок і вандалізму, ніж зайнятий, і вони з радістю погодяться, що ваш будинок або квартира не будуть порожні, поки ви у від'їзді. Запитайте, чи потрібні якісь спеціальні заходи, і не забудьте повідомити партнера по обміну про будь-які особливості щодо активації сигналізації.

Intervac's listing codes cover many preferences related to home exchange. From non-smoking, to handicapped accessible, from pet care to private swimming pool You can add an unlimited amount of text to your listing. Go ahead and detail your needs clearly so that the perfect exchange partner (who is searching for you too) can find you.

Це просто! Пройдійть коротку реєстрацію та сплатіть членський внесок або спробуйте членство безкоштовно. Тимчасове членство на 21 днів надає вам майже повний доступ до нашого сайту. Ви одразу можете створити свою пропозицію для обміну.

If you have more questions regarding Home Exchange, Intervac membership or our online online tools and services, consult our FAQ-page with more information.

Sustainable tourism off the beaten path

Intervac International offers a concept where paying members can plan more authentic vacations and encourages people to discover new places in the world. By doing so, Intervac contributes to a world where people borrow instead of buying or renting, which means that existing assets are used instead of creating new ones. Traveling to places outside of typical tourist locations also reduces the strain that popular destinations have on local resources. Intervacs sees the home exchange as part of sustainable and responsible future-ready, planet-friendly tourism.

Undeniable benefits of exchanging homes

1. Promote International Goodwill

You can make a difference!

Home exchange is the most authentic approach to living in a foreign country or culture. You find yourself immersed in your exchange partner's culture and lifestyle. The chances are excellent that you will meet their neighbours or friends. You will discover local stores, sights and flavour. This is a personalized and realistic travel experience that can't be beat. Many exchange families remain friends long after their exchange, keeping up with each other's families per telephone and email.

2. No More Expensive Hotels

Suddenly, any destination in the world is affordable!

While exchanging there is no pressing reason for you to blow your budget on hotels or car rentals. Home exchange is the way that your family can afford to visit places you have only dreamed about. Exchanging homes leaves your budget free to spring for special tours, dining or entertainment.

Stay free of charge at any destination!

3. No more charge for extra luggage

Suddenly, any destination in the world is affordable!

Go ahead, imagine your luggage from your last holiday. Open it up, and remove all the stuff you took, because you might need it. Now, dare to imagine this: You are exchanging with a family in Sweden, and they have kids the same ages as yours. Just as adults enjoy driving a holiday car, kids delight in a temporary toy exchange. There will be something for everyone: a different "favourite coffee cup", different books to read at bedtime, films you might not have seen or music you haven't heard. These are all a part of your exchange partner's every day lifestyle and they are available for your use at your exchange partner's home.

4. The Comfort of Living in a House

Let the kids play outside in the yard while you take a hot bath.

Come home after a hard day of shopping and sightseeing to the warmth of a friend's home. Sit down in a comfortable chair, and put your feet up, you are on vacation. You have time and space enough for everyone. You are not confined to a dinky hotel room with your whole family, nor do you need to run off to a restaurant or try to heat the baby's bottle in a bathroom sink. Hang out instead and cook a family dinner together. Watch a movie, enjoy each other. Slow down. Take time. You've earned it.

5. Security and Peace of Mind

Your home is not empty, and the newspapers and mail are not piling up, the plants are watered, the lawn mowed. The dog is still barking in the back yard and, even though you are happily touring Chateaux on the Loire, at home life appears to go on as usual. Our members take excellent care of each other's property while vacationing.

Feel safe that your property and pets are well looked after!

6. Balanced Database Mix

Another benefit of our extensive experience is what we call our database mix. This refers to the percentage of members we have in Europe -vs- North America, or English speaking countries -vs- the rest of the world. We monitor these and other ratios and use them when deciding where to spend our advertising budget. You can be certain that the exchange you are looking for is in our database.

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